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Procurement Process

The NCI Agency procurement process is conducted in five phases that each serve an important role in ensuring fairness to industry and the integrity of our competitions. During this process, the NCI Agency and industry have different obligations that culminate in a contract award.

In addition to phases, the procurement process is also supported by specialised roles. The staff in these roles help industry navigate our procedures and ensure clear points of contact exist in competitive and non-competitive contexts.

Learn about the phases and roles supporting our procurement process below.

Our procurement process might seem intimidating at first, but it's designed to treat everyone fairly. Whether your business is a small-medium enterprise (SME) or a multinational, you'll follow the exact same process and our staff will be there to help you navigate it along the way.

Ijeoma I.,
Head of Acquisition Policy


Our procurement process has five phases. The process formally begins with the announcement of a competition and ends with contract closeout. The duration of each phase can vary depending on the procurement method being used as outlined by NATO regulations.

Learn more about each phase and what activities take place for the NCI Agency and industry below.



This phase begins with the publication of a competition's announcement or Notification of Intent (NOI) on the NCI Agency bulletin. During this phase:

NCI Agency

We write the Statement of Work (SoW) for a competition based on our requirements and assemble it into a solicitation. In support of writing the SoW, we may also conduct market surveys and host industry days to assess the solutions available to satisfy our requirements.


Companies are invited to submit their Declarations of Eligibility (DoE) via their National Authorities, if required per a competition's announcement or NOI. The Contracting Officer (CO) of a procurement opportunity can provide you with the contact details of your DoE issuer.



This phase begins when we release the solicitation as an Invitation for Bid (IFB), Request for Quotations (RFQ), or Request for Proposal (RFP) to companies with submitted DoEs. During this phase:

NCI Agency

We collect any submitted bids. We also answer to companies' questions regarding the contents of the solicitation. We may also conduct a Bidders' Conference depending on the opportunity.


Companies submit their bids. If necessary, companies may submit questions to understand the solicitation better or if they encounter any ambiguities in the solicitation that prevent them from assembling a complete bid.



This phase begins with the evaluation of the received bids. During this phase:

NCI Agency

We evaluate the bids against the requirements outlined in the solicitation. If there are questions concerning a company's bid, a clarification request (CR) will be issued to the company. All communication during this phase is conducted formally as part of the CR process, and COs are unable to answer companies' questions.


Companies respond to clarification requests when received.



This phase begins when the evaluation concludes and the companies who participated in the competition are notified of the results. During this phase:

NCI Agency

We issue a contract to the successful company for signature.


The successful company signs the contract and sends it back to the NCI Agency for countersignature, with the aim of reaching a mutual agreement. Unsuccessful companies can request a debrief as a learning opportunity and for the NCI Agency to exchange additional information on the reason(s) why the bid was not successful.



This phase begins with the implementation of the requirement and the execution of the contract, and it ends with final payment under the contract and contract closeout. During this phase:

NCI Agency

We oversee the work conducted by the company in accordance with the provisions set out in the contract. Upon completion of the work, we conduct closeout procedures.


Companies perform the work as set out in the signed contract. Following delivery of the work, companies submit their invoices to us for processing and closeout.


Our procurement process is supported by specialized staff that perform various roles before, during, and after procurements. Industry may find themselves engaging with staff in these functions when conducting business with us.

Contracting Officers

Contracting Officers (COs) facilitate the procurement process. They are your points of contact for all competition matters.

View a procurement opportunity to determine the right point of contact.

Industry Relations Staff

IR staff leads the industry strategic engagement planning and implementation through non-competitive dialogue and partnerships, engaging industry through multiple platforms and venues, including the NCI Agency flagship event, NATO Edge.

Check out our partnerships section to see the latest we have to offer.

National Technical Expert (NATEX)

These staff are employed by National Authorities and embedded in the NCI Agency. They support their national industries and facilitate awareness of NCI Agency opportunities. If a company wishes to escalate concerns regarding the procurement process to their National Authority, their NATEX can support them.

The CO of a procurement opportunity can provide you with the contact details of your NATEX.


Still have questions?

Please consult the Documents and Resources section, which contains help articles and other information that may provide you with answers.

You can also submit your questions to us via a contact form on the Stay Connected page.