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Framework Agreements

The NCI Agency uses framework agreements to facilitate accelerated procurements for certain categories of goods and services. Our framework agreements are the:

  • Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA); and
  • Not-for-Profit Framework (NFPF).

When the NCI Agency signs a framework agreement with a company, they become a preferred customer. These companies will receive solicitations based on their offered categories of goods and services, which are indicated to us during the signing process.

Did you know?

A Declaration of Eligibility (DoE) is issued by the National Authority of where a company is based. The DoEs issued for the BOA framework and NFPF are valid for all competitions in that respective framework, which is unlike other opportunities, such as ICBs, that require a DoE to be issued per competition. 

Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)

What is it?

The BOA framework is an accelerated procurement method used by the NCI Agency to procure Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products and services.

This method involves a two-stage contracting procedure where the NCI Agency:

  1. Establishes a framework agreement with a company, following receipt of a Declaration of Eligibility (DoE) from their National Authority. The company also indicates to us the range of goods and services it offers.
  2. Issues solicitations to companies who hold a BOA.


  • Accelerated procurement timelines
  • Great entry point for SMEs to learn about our process
  • Receive solicitations matching your company's offering—without any proactive effort

Who Can Participate?

All companies based in NATO countries can participate in the BOA framework. The BOA is particularly interesting for small-medium enterprises (SMEs) as an entry point for doing business with us because BOA competitions have short-term performance periods and are COTS-based.

How to Register?

Registration to the BOA framework can take place following registration in the NCI Agency's Neo eProcurement platform.

Companies must:

  1. View the BOA Terms and Conditions.
  2. Register to Neo.
  3. Follow the BOA registration instructions available on the Neo landing page (available immediately after logging in).

Not-for-Profit Framework (NFPF)

What is it?

The NFPF is a procurement method used by the NCI Agency to procure products and services from not-for-profit organizations, including national defence labs and other research institutions.

This method involves a two-stage contracting procedure where the NCI Agency:

  1. Establishes a framework agreement with a not-for-profit organization that has obtained a Declaration of Eligibility (DoE) from their National Authority.
  2. Conducts NFPF competitions among framework participants to satisfy specific requirements. Solicitations are sent to all NFPF participants.


  • Great way for not-for-profit researchers to establish networks within the NATO ecosystem
  • NFPF organizations can also form consortia with each other—meet new research partners
  • Receive not-for-profit solicitations without any proactive effort

Who Can Participate?

All not-for-profit organizations based in NATO countries.

How to Register?

Registration to the NFPF can take place following registration in the NCI Agency's Neo eProcurement platform.

Companies must:

  1. View the NFPF General Rules of Operation.
  2. View the NFPF Terms and Conditions.
  3. Register to Neo.
  4. Follow the NFPF registration instructions available on the Neo landing page (available immediately after logging in).

Still have questions?

Please consult the other items in the Documents and Resources section, which may provide you with answers.

You can also submit your questions to us via a contact form on the Stay Connected page.