The NATO Air and Missile Defence capabilities that we deliver ensure seamless command and control of Air operations across NATO European airspace.
We provide effective and efficient through-life support for NATO Air Command and Control (AirC2) and Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) operations. This includes providing the technology that allows NATO to plan, execute and monitor all air operations, including operations to defend the Alliance against a missile attack.
The NATO Integrated Air Defence System (NATINADS) has been the cornerstone of NATO's peacetime collective air defence mission since the 1950s. It is a collaborative effort and is made up of military capability provided by both NATO and the Nations and is designed to preserve the integrity of NATO European Airspace. Over the last decade, NATINADS has evolved into the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System with the addition of the Ballistic Missile Defence mission in NATO Europe. We ensure the continuous availability of the NATO and National Battle Management, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (BMC3I) systems that underpin NATINAMDS.
As part of this endeavour, the Agency is delivering NATO's Air Command and Control System (ACCS) into operations. This is an ambitious NATO programme to replace NATO and national interim and legacy systems with one integrated and interoperable capability. NATO ACCS will provide the backbone that supports the planning, tasking and execution of all air and missile defence operations, both in Europe, and on deployed operations. ACCS is complemented by the Air C2 Information Services (AirC2IS) capability, which provides a Common Operational Picture of air operations for information sharing purposes.
Together, the two capabilities will help the Alliance execute all air and missile defence operations. This new technology is critical as it allows for the effective management of air and missile defence operations between NATO and the NATO Nations. In addition to the new AirC2IS and ACCS, we also maintain a number of other systems supporting NATO Air C2. One such capability, the Air Situation Data Exchange supports the exchange of the NATO Recognized Air Picture with NATO Partner Nations, thus enhancing situational awareness at NATO's borders with our Partner Nations.