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This glossary is available for industry to consult when navigating the NCI Agency's procurement process. Specifically, industry can:

  • filter terms by letter; and
  • with the click of a button, copy the definition and its dedicated link to your clipboard for future reference.
Clarification Request (CR)
A Clarification Request (CR) is a formal inquiry sent to a bidder by the NCI Agency during the evaluation phase, to resolve an ambiguity, omission, or uncertainty. The CR, however, may not be used to solicit additional information, which would change the basic solution offered by the bid.
Declaration of Eligibility (DoE)
A Declaration of Eligibility (DOE) refers to an official statement or document issued by a national authority that signifies that the potential bidder is technically, financially and professionally capable of undertaking the scope of the invitation for bids (IFB). Importantly, it is the potential bidder's responsibility to obtain the DOE in a timely manner from their national authority.
International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is the type of procurement method used within the NCI Agency under formal bidding for acquiring goods and services. ICB using lowest compliant bid evaluation methodology is the default method for procuring of requirements. ICB using Best Value bid evaluation methodology is reserved for more complex project work where the development of Invitation For Bids (IFBs) and the preparation and evaluation of bids is more complex and requires more time and resources.
Invitation For Bid (IFB)
An Invitation For Bid (IFB) is a type of solicitation issued to companies that have obtained a Declaration of Eligibility from their National Authority. It serves as a formal request from the NCI Agency to submit bids for specific products or services based on specified requirements. IFBs are issued by the NCI Agency when conducting formal procurements using the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procurement method.
Notification Of Intent (NOI)
A Notification Of Intent (NOI) is a formal notice indicating the NCI Agency's intention to procure goods or services. It also provides instructions that guide companies on how to participate in the upcoming competition.

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