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This is 10: A look back as we step into the NCI Agency's next decade

The NCI Agency celebrates its 10th anniversary on 1 July 2022!

Born from a merger of several NATO entities, the NCI Agency has a 67-year legacy of supporting the Alliance and its Member Countries. Our experts provide technological capabilities and services that are critical to NATO's ability to fulfil its mission: maintain peace and security for nearly one billion citizens. The Agency is also on the frontline against cyber threats, protecting NATO's networks 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to prevent debilitating attacks.

As we celebrate our 10-year anniversary, we'd like to celebrate the people behind the screens, who ensure the Alliance can communicate and work together to fulfil its mission. Our team of more than 3,000 civilian and military staff members is located in 29 sites throughout Europe and North America. They work tirelessly to help NATO keep its edge.

The work we do in partnership with industry, academia and not-for-profit organizations keeps NATO strong.

Take a look back with us as we celebrate this significant milestone.

Read the anniversary edition of NITECH magazine!

This special edition of our NATO Innovation and Technology (NITECH) magazine includes contributions from the NATO Deputy Secretary General, the NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, the General Manager of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency and more.

NCI Agency celebrates its 10th anniversary

Messages from our General Managers, past and present

In honour of this milestone, the Agency's three General Managers over the years each offered a personal message to staff.

Meet Yves Moons

Senior Technician

As the Agency celebrates its 10-year anniversary, one of our staff members is celebrating three times over. For Senior Technician Yves Moons, 1 July 2022 is an anniversary for two other monumental events in his career.  

Meet Ivana Ilic Mestric

Senior Data Scientist 

Senior Data Scientist Ivana Ilic Mestric reflects on her work as one of the founders of the NCI Agency's Data Science and Artificial Intelligence team. 

Meet Tiziana Pezzi

Principal Contracting Officer

As a Principal Contracting Officer, Tiziana Pezzi has worked on a number of complex projects in the Agency's history, including projects to deliver radars in four NATO Nations: Lithuania, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.

Meet Ovidiu-Alexandru Parfene


At 23 years old, Parfene is beginning to carve out his own path at NATO. In celebration of the Agency's 10th anniversary, we spoke with him about his internship and what he's learned so far.

NCI Agency through the years

10 years of the NCI Agency. 67-year legacy.

NCI Agency history through the years

2022 - NCI Agency inaugurates new Enterprise Service Operations Centre

The new Enterprise Service Operations Centre (ESOC) facility opened on 28 January 2022 in Mons, Belgium. With the new ESOC, Agency experts delivering services and network technicians will be able to collaborate in the same space to better assist NATO, resolving incidents promptly and monitoring the Alliance's technology in a more efficient way. Together, professionals from across the Agency are working in the new ESOC to ensure NATO's digital services remain operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


2021 - Resolute Support Mission concludes

In January 2015, NATO launched the Resolute Support Mission (RSM) to train, advise and assist Afghan security forces and institutions to fight terrorism and secure their country. Following the withdrawal of all RSM forces in August 2021, the mission concluded in early September 2021. NCI Agency staff regularly deployed to Afghanistan to provide critical communications, cyber security, operational analysis and other services until the end of the mission.

2021 - NATO Secretary General inaugurates NCI Academy

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, officially opened the new NATO Communications and Information Academy (NCI Academy) on 26 May 2021, a world-class training facility for NATO Allies and Partners in Oeiras, Portugal. The NCI Academy delivers individual and collective training on NATO systems that support operations and exercises. Operators trained in the Academy will go on to maintain NATO's IT and communications systems, as well as its ballistic missile and cyber defences.


2020 - NATO begins using enhanced satellite services

From 1 January 2020, Nations began delivering enhanced satellite services to NATO. To enable the delivery of this capability, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between four Nations and the NCI Agency for the provision of critical satellite communications (SATCOM) services to NATO for the following 15 years. The memorandum between France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States enables the four Allies to provide space capacity from their military SATCOM programmes to NATO. The Agency is responsible for operating the SATCOM capability to deliver services to NATO.


2019 - NATO community discusses data, cloud and securing the Alliance at NIAS

The NCI Agency hosted its largest event to date, the 15th edition of the NATO Information Assurance Symposium (NIAS), from 15 to 17 October 2019. More than 1,800 delegates from 46 countries registered for the three-day conference, and 75 organizations exhibited.


2018 - NCI Agency experts support Trident Juncture

In October 2018, NATO launched Trident Juncture, the biggest exercise since the end of the Cold War. The Agency was at the core of preparations, providing essential, seamless communications between all entities. NCI Agency teams delivered secure communications, data management and critical apps.


2018 - NATO moves in to its new headquarters in Brussels

The new NATO headquarters offers an advanced network infrastructure for more than 4,000 people to enable flexible, collaborative and secure communications. This network infrastructure was delivered under contracts with industry overseen by the NCI Agency.


2016 - NCI Agency signs first Communications and Information Partnership (C&IP) with three Nations

The NCI Agency and representatives from Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom, signed the first Communications and Information Partnership (C&IP) on NATO Software Tools. Through this partnership, Nations can use NATO software, in NATO and non-NATO contexts, to improve operational effectiveness and interoperability. This partnership enables greater standardization, and overall cost savings through economies of scale. Netherlands and Finland later joined the C&IP for NATO Software Tools.


2015 - NCI Agency wins Locked Shields

The NATO Blue Team of cyber defenders, made-up of staff from the NCI Agency, won in April 2015 the largest international "live-fire" cyber defence exercise – Locked Shields 2015. The winning team had to set-up a virtual network, secure it, and then defend it from relentless and skillful Red Team attacks over a two-day period.


2014 - NATO-Industry Cyber Partnership launches

On 17 September 2014, NATO launched a formal initiative to boost cooperation with the private sector on cyber threats and challenges. The NATO Industry Cyber Partnership (NICP) was presented to some 1500 industry leaders and policy-makers at NATO's largest cyber conference in Mons, Belgium. The NICP was endorsed at the NATO Wales Summit by the 28 Allies. It recognises the importance of working with industry partners to enable the Alliance to achieve its cyber defence policy objectives.


2012 - NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency is created

The NCI Agency is created as a result of a merger of NATO C3 organizations, namely: The NATO Communication and Information Systems Services Agency (NCSA), the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A), the NATO Air Command and Control System Management Agency (NACMA), the NATO Headquarters Information and Communication Technology Service (ICTM), and the Programme Office for NATO's Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (ALTBMD).


2007 - Information Communications and Technology Management (ICTM) for NATO Headquarters is established

Information Communications and Technology Management (ICTM) for NATO Headquarters is established.


2005 - NATO's Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (ALTBMD) Programme is created

The ALTBMD Programme is officially established in 2005 to provide protection against the threat of ballistic missiles to NATO's deployed forces.


2004 - NATO CIS Services Agency (NCSA) is created

The Agency provided communications and information systems (CIS) services in support of NATO missions.


1996 - NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) is created

The SHAPE Technical Centre (STC) in The Hague, Netherlands, and the NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency (NACISA) in Brussels, Belgium are merged to form the NC3A.


1991 - NATO ACCS Management Agency (NACMA) is created

NACMA is established in 1991 to manage the NATO Air Command and Control System (ACCS) programme.


1987 - NATO CIS Operating and Support Agency (NACOSA) is established

Took responsibility for the operation and support of NATO's communication and information systems (CIS).


1986 - Opening of the NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency (NACISA)


1985 - Regional Signal Group SHAPE (RSGS) is created

Took over from the Service Support Group.


1981 - Service Support Group (SSG) is established

Resumed tasks of the Signal Support Group until 1985, when renamed as the Regional Signal Support Group SHAPE).


1971 - NATO Integrated Communications Systems Management Agency (NICSMA) is created

The Agency was responsible for the planning, engineering, purchases and assistance in the implementation of communications and information systems on behalf of NATO nations.


1967 - SHAPE Signal Support Group (SSSG) is created

Communications support element created under SHAPE and support to NATO Operations and Headquarters. Renamed Service Support Group in 1981.


1963 - SHAPE Technical Centre (STC) opens

STC opens to continue support to NATO's funded procurements and interoperability. In 1996, the STC merged with the NATO Integrated Communications Systems Management Agency.


1955 - SHAPE Air Defence Technical Centre opens

Established to support research and development for NATO in the area of air defence.


1951 - 7th US Signal Brigade

Assigned to duty with SHAPE, then located in Fontainebleau, France.


1949 - Washington treaty is signed

The North Atlantic Treaty, also referred to as the Washington Treaty, is the treaty that forms the legal basis of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).