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May 27 2019

The first edition of NITECH Magazine is here

We are thrilled to share with our new NATO Innovation and Technology (NITECH) Magazine with you.

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency is leading NATO's digital endeavour. This new magazine aims to explain how we are doing that, and how you can get plugged in to our efforts.

The Agency plays a big role in helping NATO maintain its technological edge. In this magazine you will learn how the Agency is leading the Alliance's digital transformation through its many projects such as Project Polaris, an effort to modernize NATO's IT.

Driving NATO's digital endeavour is a task that requires close collaboration with industry, academic and other not-for-profit partners. We hope that this magazine will be helpful to organizations interested in working with us.

This first edition also focuses on the High North, which is no coincidence.

We released the magazine to coincide with our flagship industry event NITEC19 in May. The event was focused this year on advancing technology and processes to secure NATO operations from the South, to the High North.

You can download and read the magazine completely free of charge here.