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Oct 22 2019

Read the second edition of NITECH Magazine today

The second edition of our NATO Innovation and Technology (NITECH) Magazine is out now, and we can't wait for you to read it.

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency leads NATO's digital endeavour. This magazine will help you learn more about what we are doing, and how you can help us. We need involvement from industry, not-for-profits and academia to help NATO maintain its technological edge.

Read the second edition of NITECH Magazine today

This second edition focuses on cyber security to coincide with the 15th edition of the NATO Information Assurance Symposium, or NIAS. The conference focused this year on "Digital transformation: smart machines for smarter decisions." The magazine also includes information on some of the other work we do in areas such as space and big data.

The magazine features interviews with Clare Hutchinson, NATO Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, Dr Antonio Missiroli, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges and US Department of Homeland Security Chief Information Officer Dr John Zangardi. It also includes an interview with the NCI Agency's new Chief of Staff, MGEN Göksel Sevindik.

You can download and read the magazine free of charge on Issuu here.