The NATO Industry Cyber Partnership, endorsed by Alliance leaders at 2014 Wales Summit, fosters timely information sharing on cyber threats, allowing participants to enhance their situational awareness. As NATO and industry face shared risks in the cyber domain, we work together for our mutual benefit, both at a technical level and at an operational level.
NATO entities, national Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) and NATO member countries' industry representatives participate in the initiative. It is also relevant for small and medium enterprises, which can often provide innovative solutions in cyberspace.
Participants share information on cyber threats and information security best practices, as well as cyber threat indicators and mitigation measures. Partners are also encouraged to share reports of intrusion events, participate in damage assessments with the NCI Agency and report any cyber security incident that may be of interest to NATO.
The initiative aims to increase awareness of cyber threats to NATO and its partners, enhancing everyone's resilience and capabilities to safeguard information.
As part of the NATO Industry Cyber Partnership (NICP), the partners also organize Threat Vector Analysis Workshops (TVA). These events are focused on developing a common taxonomy for threats and standards when exchanging cyber threat information.
In order to join the initiative, the entity must be from a NATO Nation. Potential partners will also need to show that they are in a position to contribute a balanced share of information. Requests for participation are reviewed by the NCI Agency on a case-by-case basis. For any queries contact [email protected].