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About us

We are NATO's technology and cyber experts.

We help NATO and its member countries fulfil their mission – preserve peace and security for nearly one billion citizens.

Our History and Evolution

2018 - NATO moves in to its new Headquarters in Brussels


2012 - NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency is created

The NCI Agency is created as a result of a merger of NATO C3 organizations, namely: The NATO Communication and Information Systems Services Agency (NCSA), the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A), the NATO Air Command and Control System Management Agency (NACMA), the NATO Headquarters Information and Communication Technology Service (ICTM), and the Programme Office for NATO's Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (ALTBMD).

2007 - Information Communications and Technology Management (ICTM) for NATO Headquarters is established

Information Communications and Technology Management (ICTM) for NATO Headquarters is established.

2005 - NATO's Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence (ALTBMD) Programme is created

The ALTBMD Programme is officially established in 2005 to provide protection against the threat of ballistic missiles to NATO's deployed forces.

2004 - NATO CIS Services Agency (NCSA) is created

The Agency provided communications and information systems (CIS) services in support of NATO missions.


2001 - September 11 attacks and the International Security Assistance Force


1996 - NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) is created

The SHAPE Technical Centre (STC) in The Hague, Netherlands, and the NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency (NACISA) in Brussels, Belgium are merged to form the NC3A.

1995 - First NATO non-Article 5 mission Implementation Force (IFOR)

1991 - NATO ACCS Management Agency (NACMA) is created

NACMA is established in 1991 to manage the NATO Air Command and Control System (ACCS) programme.

1989 - Fall of the Berlin wall


1987 - NATO CIS Operating and Support Agency (NACOSA) is established

Took responsibility for the operation and support of NATO's communication and information systems (CIS).

1986 - Opening of the NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency (NACISA)

1985 - Regional Signal Group SHAPE (RSGS) is created

Took over from the Service Support Group.

1981 - Service Support Group (SSG) is established

Resumed tasks of the Signal Support Group until 1985, when renamed as the Regional Signal Support Group SHAPE).

1979 - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan


1971 - NATO Integrated Communications Systems Management Agency (NICSMA) is created

The Agency was responsible for the planning, engineering, purchases and assistance in the implementation of communications and information systems on behalf of NATO nations.

1967 - SHAPE Signal Support Group (SSSG) is created

Communications support element created under SHAPE and support to NATO Operations and Headquarters. Renamed Service Support Group in 1981.


1964 - China detonated its first atomic bomb

1963 - SHAPE Technical Centre (STC) opens

STC opens to continue support to NATO's funded procurements and interoperability. In 1996, the STC merged with the NATO Integrated Communications Systems Management Agency.

1956 - Hungarian Uprising


1955 - SHAPE Air Defence Technical Centre opens

Established to support research and development for NATO in the area of air defence.

1951 - 7th US Signal Brigade

Assigned to duty with SHAPE, then located in Fontainebleau, France.

In 1947 - Beginning of the Cold War