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Aug 2 2023

NCI Agency enhances communication capabilities for NATO AWACS

The NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) is supporting the NATO Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft by enhancing its communication capabilities.

Through its Prototype Engineering Centre (PEC), the Agency has built a system called NATO Tactical Data Link Container that will allow NATO forces and nations to receive air defence information and improve situational awareness for NATO Commanders. The container will enable transmission of the information compiled by the AWACS radar and sensors off board to the proper authorities and decision-makers.

The NCI Agency's Prototype Engineering Centre offers engineering and manufacturing products for experimental deployment for NATO. Besides having supported the AWACS programme for over 30 years, PEC engineers design and build an array of products and infrastructure for a wide variety of NATO exercise and missions.

The AWACS provide the Alliance with air surveillance, battle management command and control, and communications. The aircraft are used for a vast range of NATO missions, such as peacetime air policing, support to counter-terrorism and evacuation operations. They are equipped with a radar system that provides 360-degree surveillance coverage.

The enhanced communication system is the result of a collaborative effort between the NCI Agency, the NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control (NAEW&C) Force and the NAEW&C Programme Management Agency (NAPMA).

By contributing to Joint Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance activities, the Agency assures information superiority for NATO, as it supports leaders, commanders and decision-makers, and helps maximize operational effectiveness for the Alliance.