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Kosovo Force

NATO has been leading a peace-support operation in Kosovo since 1999 in support of wider international efforts to build peace and stability in the area. Through the Kosovo Force (KFOR) mission, NATO assists and cooperates with Partner Nations and other international organizations such as the United Nations, and the European Union, to support the development of a stable, democratic, multi-ethnic and peaceful Kosovo.

NCIA supports NATO in this effort by delivering core communications and information systems (CIS) infrastructure and services to KFOR. NCIA develops an annual support plan to the mission and coordinates all operational requirements from KFOR headquarters through Joint Force Command Naples (JFC Naples) to deliver projects which ensure the success of NATO's support to KFOR.  Additionally, NCIA supports NATO Headquarters Sarajevo (NHQSA) and European Union Force Bosnia and Herzegovina (Operation Althea) in delivering annual operation and mission projects, coordinating sustainment, and delivering new customer requirements to support necessary operational changes.