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07 26 2019

Register now for NATO's largest cyber security conference

You can now register for the 15th edition of NIAS, NATO's largest cyber security conference, which will be held in Mons Belgium on 15-17 October 2019.

It's finally here!

You can now register for the 15th edition of NIAS - the NATO Information Assurance Symposium.

NATO's largest cyber security conference will be held in Mons, Belgium on 15-17 October 2019. This year the symposium will focus on 'Digital transformation: smart machines for smarter decisions'.

Innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning can both threaten and support NATO missions. The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency must tap into such technology to give Allied leaders the information they need to make the right decisions at the right time to protect our infrastructures, troops and populations.

Register now for NATO's largest cyber security conference

The three-day event offers a unique opportunity to discuss best practices, exchange views and explore innovative solutions. The symposium is a must-attend event for NATO and national leaders, and experts from across the Alliance in industry and academia.

This year, NIAS will address the following areas:

· Traditional and AI-enabled information assurance

· Addressing supply chain security challenges

· Moving from information assurance to mission assurance

· Data as a strategic resource

· The cloud

Register now at: nias19.com.

Attendance is free of charge for civilian and military officials from NATO and EU Nations.