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02 5 2015

Poland and NCI Agency intensify cooperation on missile defence

On 5 February, the Polish Ministry of National Defence and the NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency signed an agreement intensifying cooperation between the Ministry and the Agency's Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Programme Office and Services in support of NATO BMD development.

The agreement focuses on ensuring interoperability between Polish BMD capabilities and NATO BMD, mainly through information exchange and testing. The agreement specifies for example the testing regime and measures for ensuring interoperability.

It also confirms that the integration of the Polish systems will firstly cover radars with BMD capabilities, offered by Poland to NATO BMD.

The agreement was signed by the Undersecretary of State – Robert Kupiecki and NCI Agency General Manager Koen Gijsbers in the margins of the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence in Brussels.

For more information, please contact: for NCI Agency – Michal Olejarnik, Communication Manager, [email protected], +32 475 90 70 40.

Poland and NCI Agency intensify cooperation on missile defence