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Jun 5 2014

OR-9 Patrick Potloot receives NATO Medal

On 13 May 2014, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal was awarded to OR-9 Patrick Poloot, Belgian Army. He served as the Squadron Sergeant Major for Sector Brunssum, NATO Communications Information Agency from September 2008 until September 2013.

As Squadron Sergeant Major, he constantly improved the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire Networks Support Group for the Agency’s benefit. He planned, organized and successfully led the JFCBS NCO Mobile Training Teams during many training events. In addition, he served as the Chairman of the JFCBS Other Ranks Association (ORA) supporting the entire international community including Soldiers’ families during his tenure.

COL Manfred Krätzig, Sector Brunssum Commander presented the award to OR-9 Patrick Potloot at the Sector Brunssum Commander’s Call. COL Krätzig reflected in his speech that he is happy that recognition is being paid to some of our great leaders within NCI Agency. Patrick Potloot is most deserving of this award for his hard work and dedication while assigned as the NSG Squadron SGM.

Patrick is currently assigned in a training Centre for paratroops as a Platoon Commander in Schaffen, Belgium.