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Jun 6 2024

NCIA supports NATO's first exercise for the new Allied Reaction Force

Exercise Steadfast Deterrence 2024 is NATO's first major joint exercise for the new Allied Reaction Force (ARF), a new multi-domain capability for the Alliance with two key roles: to support crisis prevention and to further strengthen the Alliance's defence and deterrence posture.

Designed to train and certify NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (Italy) as the first Allied Reaction Force Headquarters, the exercise simulates a combined, joint and multi-domain operating environment based on a non-Article 5 scenario, testing the rapid response capabilities of NATO troops under time constraints. This comprehensive approach ensures that NATO is not only ready for current threats but is also at the forefront of strategic innovation, setting a new standard for military preparedness and operational excellence.

NCIA supports NATOtmpAmps first exercise in the Steadfast Exercises series

The NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) supported all communication and information systems (CIS) infrastructure connectivity throughout the exercise, and NCIA experts remained available 24/7 to resolve any network issues and support with troubleshooting.

"The NCIA team at Operations and Exercises worked tirelessly to improve the communication and information systems capabilities and to provide the required services during the exercise execution," said Matthieu Barbey, from the OPEX branch. "We prepare as best we can, and then we adapt as fast as possible to the unpredictable scenarios that occur during the operation. We ensure we are ready to deal with all requests under time pressure."