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Sep 12 2024

NCIA discusses NATO's digital journey at BWI Industry Days

On 10 and 11 September 2024, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) General Manager Ludwig Decamps addressed NATO's digital journey during the BWI Industry Days in Berlin, Germany.

Organized by the Bundeswehr's IT System House (BWI), this year's edition invited representatives from industry, science and research organizations to discuss the overarching theme of 'Digital contribution to the operational capability of the Bundeswehr'. The event served as a platform for dialogue between business and science on the digitalization of armed forces.

NCIA discuss NATOtmpAmps digital journey at BWI Industry Days

General Manager Decamps took to the stage on day two to discuss the topic of NATO's journey towards digital transformation. As NATO's information and communications technology provider, NCIA is uniquely positioned to deliver the expertise, capabilities and services required to accelerate NATO's digital transformation.

"NATO's digital transformation is not just about upgrading technology; it is about enabling the Alliance to adapt and evolve in an increasingly complex and interconnected world," explained Decamps during his presentation. "NATO's future readiness lies in an adaptable, digitally-skilled workforce and advanced technology solutions."

Decamps explained that to maintain relevance and keep up with the pace of rapidly evolving technology, NCIA is reforming its procurement and acquisition processes and increasingly embracing agile methodologies, such as dynamic sourcing.

He underscored the importance of NATO partnerships with industry in leveraging cutting-edge technologies, creative digital solutions and enhanced capabilities. By establishing a strategic, trusted and sustainable partnership, NATO ensures its resilience in the most challenging circumstances.

The BWI Industry Days programme also included a presentation by NCIA Chief of Acquisition, Jennifer Upton and Acquisition Contracting Officer Ole Hubner, who provided insights into doing business with NCIA. The presentation highlighted the Agency's business portfolio and invited the private sector to engage more actively with NCIA, demonstrating the Agency's commitment to strengthen industry collaboration.

NCIA's upcoming flagship event, NATO Edge 24, is another opportunity for industry to engage with NATO to leverage the expertise and innovation to help shape NATO's future. NATO Edge will bring together decision-makers, innovators and visionaries in Tampa, Florida, from 3 to 5 December 2024. Find out more here.