The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency welcomed 60 students from the International Cyber Security Summer School to its facility in The Hague on 27 August 2019.
The NCI Agency is a proud partner of the six-day summer school, which aims to support knowledge sharing and strengthen the pool of young professionals in cyber security. During the visit, the participants met NCI Agency cyber security experts, and learned about how the Agency supports NATO's mission. Students were also briefed on career opportunities with the Agency.
Summer school students learned more about cyber security incidents, risk and threat management, cryptocurrency and cyber crime. While in the programme, the students also worked on challenging cyber security-related assignments. The summer school took place at the Agency's facility in the Hague, Europol, EY, Leiden University and The Hague Security Delta.
For more information on the International Cyber Security Summer School, visit its website here.