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Jan 31 2024

NCI Agency kicks off infrastructure upgrade in Italy

The NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) awarded a contract to modernize the civil infrastructure of the new data centre in Lago Patria, Italy.

This project will upgrade the civil infrastructure of the data centre in the Headquarters of the NATO Joint Force Command Naples. The project aims to support NATO in advancing its multi-year plan for the modernization of its digital networks. As part of the overall project, the NCI Agency is also hosting the modernization of one other data centre in the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

NCI Agency kicks off infrastructure upgrade in Italy

These data centres are a key part of the wider NCI Agency IT modernization project. They are responsible for delivering the new NATO operational network, which will modernize and uplift the communication and collaboration across the NATO Command Structure, ultimately enhancing NATO's digital transformation.

"Lago Patria will be one of the data centre locations at the heart of the NCI Agency's IT modernization project. The recently awarded contract will provide a major upgrade of the civil infrastructure to host this critical capability. The Lago Patria data centre is an important jigsaw piece of the NATO digital transformation," said Satinder Sandhu, NCI Agency Principal Project Manager.

The civil works contract was awarded to Sirti Digital Solutions, a company that enables digital transformation through services such as networking, software and system integration, cybersecurity, and others.

"With great pride, we continue to stand alongside NATO, with the opportunity to contribute to projects related to our country's future. This project allows us to strengthen our position as a reference point in the country's digital transformation journey," stated Luca Rubaga, Managing Director of Sirti Digital Solutions.

To commemorate this, the NATO Joint Force Command hosted an inaugural meeting in Lago Patria, marking the start of a significant NCI Agency-led project for the development of the new data centre infrastructure.