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Apr 25 2016

NCI Agency innovation challenge

The NATO Communications and Information Agency is pleased to announce the 2016 Innovation Challenge, aimed at accelerating transformational, state-of-the-art technology solutions in support of NATO C4ISR and cyber capability requirements.

You are invited to submit your technology solution by 10 May for review by NCI Agency leadership in cooperation with the Business Executives engaged in the NATO Industry Cyber Partnership.

Top ranked innovators will be offered an opportunity to showcase their technology solutions at the 2016 NCI Agency Industry Conference and AFCEA TechNet International (NITEC 16) Building Resilience through Secure C4ISR: NATO-Industry Collaboration in a New Era, which will take place in Tallinn, Estonia from 7 to 9 June, and will also be featured in the NCI Agency's Small Business Success Stories. The top 5 innovators will receive a full Conference registration waiver.

Submit a maximum two page proposal outlining an innovative solution in one of the following four focus areas:

1. Cyber Defence

  • Insider threat detection
  • Situational awareness
  • Secure mobility
  • Advanced Persistent Threat detection
  • Multi-level security
  • Other technologies of interest to Cyber Defence

2. Internet of Things

  • Novel application of IoT in Military context
  • Application to smart bases, such as, but not limited to, hospital applications, logistics, energy efficiency, etc.
  • Security challenges related to IoT, such as, but not limited to, data integrity
  • Data analytics
  • Other IoT technologies of interest

3. Military applications of Blockchains

a) Application of blockchain technology to military logistics

b) Application of blockchain technology to procurement and finance

c) Other applications of interest to the military

4. Cognitive computing and machine learning

d) Automatic document classification

e) Autonomous agent supporting defence against cyber-attacks

f) Autonomous agents replacing call centre functions

g) Other applications of interest to the military

Eligibility Criteria and Submission Information

  1. Small businesses and academia from 28 NATO Allies are eligible to participate.
  2. Submit your two-page proposal to [email protected] by Tuesday 10 May 2016 18:00 CET.
  3. The top ranked innovators will be selected and notified by 20 May, 2016.

Conditions for participation

  1. The innovation challenge is not an invitation to bid and the submitted proposals are not linked to any future contract opportunities. Response will be provided on a voluntary basis and NATO is not liable for any expenses incurred as a result of participation to the innovation challenge. Negative responses shall not prejudice or exclude companies from any future procurement that may be initiated by NATO in the future. NATO makes no commitment to initiate any procurement action as a result of the innovation challenge.
  2. Response to the innovation challenge will be analyzed by NATO internally and will not be released to other participants. Results of the innovation challenge and a description of the solution will be advertised. Participants are therefore invited to provide a description of their technical solution releasable to the public.

NCI Agency innovation challenge