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Oct 26 2023

NCI Agency General Manager attends Joint Warfare Centre 20th anniversary celebrations

On 26 October 2023, the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) General Manager Ludwig Decamps, attended the 20th anniversary ceremony of the Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) in Stavanger, Norway.

The JWC was established at Jåttå, Stavanger, on 23 October 2003 as a subordinate command of Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation. The JWC acts as NATO's focal point for collective training and strategic warfare development, providing exercises and innovation and delivering realistic and demanding command post exercises.

NCI Agency General Manager attends Joint Warfare Centre 20th anniversary celebrations

Since its establishment, the NCI Agency and its predecessor, the NATO Communications and Information Systems Services Agency (NCSA), have served the JWC's unique and challenging CIS requirements, ensuring that NATO staff get the best training to prepare for NATO missions. The NCI Agency's CIS Support Unit (CSU) Stavanger is the primary Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) service provider to the JWC.

NCI Agency General Manager Ludwig Decamps attended the celebratory day, which included a military band performance, a tour of the JWC facilities and a keynote speech covering topics related to current and future challenges faced by the Alliance. The General Manager took the opportunity to meet and greet the 40 Agency staff members located in Norway who provide JWC with permanent support.

Prior to travelling to Norway, the NCI Agency General Manager attended the NATO-Industry Forum in Stockholm, Sweden, which facilitated strategic discussion, cooperation opportunities and explored NATO's vision for future defence capabilities. During the event, he led a panel discussion about the challenges of standardization and interoperability, and the need for further collaboration between the Alliance and industry.