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May 16 2023

NCI Agency gathers legal officers at NATO's first roundtable forum

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency hosted NATO's first General Counsel Roundtable on 16 May 2023 at the NCI Academy in Oeiras, Portugal.

The event, themed "Accelerating NATO's Technology Partnerships with Industry: Anticipating and Mitigating Legal Risks", gathered over 70 legal experts from across the NATO enterprise and industry to discuss the underlying legal challenges of emerging technologies.

"Emerging and disruptive technologies are not only changing the way our societies work, they are also changing the way we defend ourselves and how we think about security," said NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges David van Weel during his keynote address.

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Featuring insights from the tech industry's leading general counsels, the forum addressed the legal considerations resulting from artificial intelligence (AI), space and other emerging technologies.

Panellists also examined the daily issues lawyers face in the current technological landscape including: cyber resiliency and the regulatory landscape of cybersecurity, open source and cloud adoption in the defence sector, and the legal considerations surrounding space and satellite services.

Alongside the invigorating presentations from industry and legal experts from the Agency and Allied Command Transformation (ACT), attendees were able engage with panellists through the live Q&A's and networking portions of the day to ask questions, share best practices and exchange ideas.

In addition to being NATO's first legal roundtable, this was also the NCI Agency's first legal event.