On 18 November 2015, the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) hosted MGEN Nasiadka, Chief Command and Control Directorate of the Polish Armed Forces, in Brussels, Belgium, for the Signature Ceremony of the Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW) between Poland and the NCI Agency.
The Multi-Year Programme of Work
The NCI Agency and Poland agreed to refine the areas of cooperation between the Polish Ministry of Defence and the NCI Agency based on the Memorandum of Agreement on "Cooperation on C3 and C4ISR Related Activities" (C4ISR MOA) in place between Poland and the NCI Agency.
The signature of the MYPOW is a demonstration of the confidence between Poland and the NCI Agency in the effort to achieve increase interoperability of NATO in a common approach.
The MYPOW defines the terms and conditions for projects on a Task Order (TO) basis. It encompasses the overall spectrum of activities while addressing current and emerging requirements. This agreement with Poland is the eighth formal MYPOW that the NCI Agency has signed with nations and multinational organizations.