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Mar 16 2016

NATO-Ukraine Regional Airspace Security Program progress

Following a successful demonstration, the NATO-Ukraine Regional Airspace Security Programme (RASP) is progressing through its next phase, a feasibility study, with meetings of experts from NATO, EUROCONTROL, Ukraine, Turkey, the United States and Poland in Odessa, Ukraine on 16-17 March 2016.

The project is part of the broader NATO-C4 Trust Fund, which in turn is a contribution to the overall Alliance efforts in assisting Ukraine with the modernisation of its C4 structures and the development of its security and defence capabilities within the framework of Ukraine's defence reform activities.

RASP aims to improve cross-border coordination of civil air security incidents; boost regional airspace cooperation between Ukraine, Turkey, Poland and Norway; and improve civil-military cooperation in Ukraine.

RASP will provide permanent and real-time connectivity with Ukraine's neighbouring countries. It will grant early notification and coordination on security incidents and suspicious aircraft, sharing of the air picture, and facilitate direct voice coordination including joint handling procedures.

NATO-Ukraine Regional Airspace Security Program progress

Successful conclusion of 'pathfinder' phase

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency is the Executing Agent of the NATO-Ukraine Command, Control Communications and Computers (C4) Trust Fund. In addition to the C4 Trust Fund Lead Nations, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom, other Allies - Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Turkey, and the United States - are contributing to the NATO-Ukraine C4 Trust Fund.

On 23-25 February 2016 in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, the Ukrainian Air Force Command, led by Major General Artur Artemenko, First Deputy Commander, hosted a successful demonstration of the capabilities of the first 'pathfinder' phase of the programme. The demonstration was led by specialists from the NCI Agency and EUROCONTROL.

The RASP Pathfinder demonstrated the successful exchange of regional air traffic information and allowed integrated voice coordination between Ukraine and operators from Poland, Turkey and Norway. It showcased the CIMACT system, and provided initial user training involving Ukrainian operators.

The 'pathfinder' phase was funded through the NATO-Ukraine C4 Trust Fund. It represents the first milestone of a phased implementation approach of RASP. The next step forward is the Feasibility Study, sponsored by the United States. This phase is now progressing and the meetings in Odessa are a significant milestone. They will explore the specifics of the technical solution that will underpin the RASP programme.

NATO-Ukraine C4 Trust Fund

In addition to its role as Executing Agent for the C4 Trust Fund, a Memorandum of Agreement on C4 is in place between Ukraine and the NCI Agency since July 2015, allowing for direct Ukraine-NCI Agency cooperation activities.

For more information, please contact Michal Olejarnik, NCI Agency Communication Manager.