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Apr 25 2017

NATO welcomes RSA to its cyber coalition

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency and RSA Security, a Dell Technologies Business, signed on 25 April 2017 an Industry Partnership Agreement (IPA) on cyber information sharing in the margins of NITEC17 in Ottawa.

The agreement with RSA will foster timely information sharing on cyber threats, allowing both parties to boost their situational awareness and better protect their networks.

"The value that NATO and its industry partners are gaining from the IPA framework continues to rise as the pace of information exchanges grows," said MGEN (ret.) Koen Gijsbers, General Manager of the NCI Agency, "The trust we have built through this programme has proved essential during incident response, resulting in faster communications and sharing of more contextual information that bolsters our collective cyberdefences. We are very pleased to welcome RSA as an information sharing partner in our fight against cyber threats."

"RSA is thrilled to be joining forces with NATO; we believe greater levels of collaboration between private and public sectors to fight common adversaries is an absolute necessity," said Mike Adler, Vice President, RSA NetWitness® Suite, "Threat intelligence is a crucial aspect to the RSA NetWitness Suite, which helps enable organizations to rapidly detect and respond to the threats that matter most."

In practice, the agreement will facilitate rapid and early bilateral exchange of non-classified technical information related to cyber threats and vulnerabilities. This information will be integrated into the Agency's 24/7 detection and prevention processes enhancing further NATO's cyber security posture.

RSA joins a steadily expanding cyber information sharing programme, as the third leading industry partner to join this year and the twelfth overall.

NATO welcomes RSA to its cyber coalition

NATO Industry Cyber Partnership

At NATO's 2016 Warsaw Summit, Alliance leaders emphasized the need for information sharing and strong Industry partnerships to address cyber challenges.

The agreement with RSA represents an important part of the effort to strengthen the Alliance's cyber defence posture through the NATO Industry Cyber Partnership (NICP).

Alliance Heads of State and Government endorsed the NICP in 2014 to pave the way for collaboration with the private sector in addressing cyber threats and risks. For more information, visit www.nicp.nato.int.