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Dec 19 2014

MN CD2 Nations release tool to share cyber incident information

Canada, Romania, and the Netherlands have decided to offer the Cyber Information and Incident Coordination System (CIICS) Software as a free six-month trial release to NATO Nations.

The decision by the three nations that funded the development of CIICS software follows after successful testing at the Cyber Coalition Exercise.

The main functionality of the software is to facilitate the exchange of information related to cyber incidents between national Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT).

On 26-27 November, the five founding nations of the Multinational Cyber Defence Capability Development (MN CD2) Project: Canada (Lead Nation), Denmark, Norway, Romania, and the Netherlands, as well as Finland as an observer, met at the sixth official MN CD2 Board Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.

As part of the meeting, the NCI Agency Project Office provided a detailed update on the progress on current Work Packages CIICS and Cyber Security Situational Awareness. In addition, potential new work was discussed including:
· Investigation of big data storage requirements and solutions for Distributed Multi-sensor Collection and Correlation Infrastructure;
· Development of a business case and blueprint for a Cyber Security Assessment Team (CSAT).
The next MN CD2 Board will be chaired by the Netherlands, and will take place on 18-19 March 2015 at the NCI Agency The Hague.

NATO Nations interested in joining the MN CD2 Smart Defence project are invited to contact Mrs A. Szydelko, Principal Partnership Development Manager, Demand Management Directorate, tel. +32 2 707 8241, [email protected]

MN CD2 is open to all NATO Nations. Participation of partner nations is addressed on case by case basis and Finland is in the process of joining the project.

MN CD2 Nations release tool to share cyber incident information