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Mar 26 2015

MN CD2 nations expand cyber defence coordination system functionalities

Canada, Norway, Romania, and the Netherlands, the four nations who are part of NATO's Multinational Cyber Defence Capability Development project (MN CD2), have agreed to expand the functionalities of the Cyber Information and Incident Coordination (CIICS) system via a new work package.

The decision was taken at the seventh MN CD2 Board Meeting at the NATO Communications and Information Agency (the NCI Agency) in The Hague on 18-19 March, which was attended by representatives from Canada, Norway, Romania, and the Netherlands (chairman, as well as a representative from Finland, which has observer status in the project.

The Board also endorsed the way forward for Cyber Defence Situational Awareness (CDSA) and discussed several new work proposals.

During the meeting, the NCI Agency MN CD2 Project Office provided detailed updates on the current work packages:

  • CIICS software development will be completed by the end of March 2015. The Board members signed a task order for further work preparing for national deployment and subsequent testing and validation.
  • National requirements and use cases for CDSA have been captured and the Board agreed to proceed by investigating how the current products on the market cover these requirements.

In addition, new work proposals were discussed, including:

  • Distributed Multi-sensor Collection and Correlation Infrastructure (DMCCI) Roadmap, including setting up a workshop to discuss the current state of the art for the DMCCI core components of storage, parsing and correlation.
  • Cyber Security Assessment Team (CSAT) concept looking at setting up a multinational support activity to carry out national security assessments.

The next MN CD2 Board will be hosted and chaired by the Dutch Ministry of Defence and will take place in Soesterberg, the Netherlands, on 17-18 June 2015.

NATO Nations interested in joining the MN CD2 Smart Defence project are invited to contact:
Ms A. Szydelko, Principal Partnership Development Manager, Demand Management Directorate
Tel: +32 2 707 8241
Email: [email protected]

The MN CD2 project is open to all NATO Nations. The MN CD2 Board considers whether or not to allow partner nations to join the project on a case by case basis. Finland is in the process of joining.