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Jul 17 2015

MN CD2 Nations agree to two new work packages

From 17-18 June, the Dutch Ministry of Defence hosted the eighth Multinational Cyber Defence Capability Development (MN CD2) Board Meeting in the Netherlands. The meeting was attended by representatives from the Netherlands (Chairman), Canada, Norway and Romania, as well as a representative from Finland who will join MN CD2 later this year. During the meeting, the Netherlands, Canada and Romania, signed task orders for two new work packages: Cyber Information and Incident Coordination Support (CIICS) and Cyber Security Assessment Team (CSAT) Concept.

The new work packages

The CIICS support task order will enable the NCI Agency to govern, operate and maintain the NATO CIICS Federation on behalf of participating Nations.

The CSAT task order will fully explore the feasibility and costs associated with developing a CSAT as a multinational project through a CSAT Continual Operational Readiness Environment (CSAT CORE) – a central, multinational “skeleton” cyber security assessment capability.

The Board also endorsed the way forward for the Cyber Defence Situational Awareness (CDSA) Work Package, most importantly the CDSA Solutions Conference that will be held in Bucharest 22-24 September 2015.

The next MN CD2 Board will be hosted at the NCI Agency from 25-26 November 2015.

Joining the MN CD2 project

The MN CD2 project is open to all NATO Nations. The MN CD2 Board considers acceptance of Partner Nations joining the project on a case-by-case basis. Finland is currently in this process.

NATO Nations interested in joining the MN CD2 Smart Defence project are invited to contact:

Ms Agata Szydelko
Principal Partnership Development Manager
Demand Management Directorate
Tel +32 2 707 8241
Email [email protected]