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Dec 13 2016

Joint effort during the Citadel Bonus 16 Exercise

From 14 November to 2 December, a combined team from the Agency supported the joint exercise Citadel Bonus 16 that was hosted by Joint Force Training Centre, Bydgoszcz, Poland.

The exercise constituted a critical step in the overall certification of Rapid Reaction Corps France as a Joint Task Force Headquarters. The final step should be accomplished during exercise Trident Jaguar 17.

NCI Agency CIS Support Unit Bydgoszcz, hand in hand with Rapid Reaction Corps France (RRC FR) G6 and 41st Sig Bn, provided expertise for the set-up and operation of the exercise CIS infrastructure. This allowed to simulate a deployed operation, for 301 participants, with reach-back to the main headquarters located in Lille at RRC FR HQ. The 18-day long execution of exercise generated ~300 CIS support requests that were ranging from simple user's account reset to modification of the Common Operational Picture (COP) dissemination within Command and Control (C2) structure.

Joint effort during the Citadel Bonus 16 Exercise

Combined Team NCI Agency

Due to a tight cooperation within the Team, a real time simulation of NATO activities could be executed and the training audience could exercise joint air, land, maritime, special forces and logistic operations in a complex military-civilian environment.

Network Services & IT Infrastructure, Cyber Security, Operations Centre, General Services and C2 Service Line provided:

  • support to set-up and service operations of Mission Secret WAN network,
  • connectivity and data flows with the French cyber environment in a mission context,
  • for VTC services and for the Land Command Control & Information Service (LC2IS),
  • NATO Common Operational Picture (NCOP),
  • Integrated Command and Control (ICC) functional services.

Education and Training Service Line (E&T SL) provided a dynamic fictitious scenario using a joint simulation, agency-developed dynamic interfaces into the functional services listed above and a team of collective exercise modelling and simulation subject-matter experts.

Certification for JLSG and ICE

The exercise aimed at creating a pre-defined and dynamically managed set of training opportunities to certify Joint Logistic Support Group (JLSG) and Initial Command Element (ICE) staff and decision making processes. These opportunities were provided through structured story lines that were managed by the exercise control organization using the E&T service line's Joint Exercise Management Module (JEMM).