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10 3 2014

First Stage Authorization granted for Enterprise-NPKI

The Enterprise NATO Public Key Infrastructure (Enterprise-NPKI) project received First Stage authorization in July 2014.

The approved procurement method is ICB Best Value including 5 years O&M.

Enterprise-NPKI will provide key management services to users, devices and processes supporting the full lifecycle (generation, distribution and management) of certificates, in line with the Cyber Defense Action Plan.
It is a key enabler to two-factor authentication (also referred to as strong authentication) and will support the verification and protection of any electronic information with an appropriate level of assurance.
Integrated with applications, it will provide security features like confidentiality, digital signature, authentication and non-repudiation.

Overall, the Enterprise-NPKI will improve the security of the NATO IT environment on multiple security domains (NATO Secret, NATO restricted and NATO Unclassified), in a manner as transparent as possible to the end-user.

The Enterprise-NPKI has a broad scope, providing electronic certificates to more than 70 000 users and devices.
The following sites are covered by the first stage authorization: NATO Command Structure, NCIA, NSPA, STO, NATO School Oberammergau, NATO Defense College, NAEW&C, and NATO HQ. Some of those entities have been exceptionally authorized by the RPPB to receive a portion of the Enterprise-NPKI solution (i.e. technical services) under NSIP funding, in order to standardize the technical solution across the NATO Enterprise.
On a longer term, the Enterprise-NPKI will replace the Interim-NPKI currently in operation.

Interface with other projects and system
Enterprise-NPKI will bring an infrastructure and interfaces, and all NATO CIS systems and projects will have to converge to Enterprise-NPKI solution. The management of interfaces / interdependencies will require a coherent and integrated implementation approach.

The Programme Management and Integration Capability (PMIC), as a part of its role as Programme and Project Support Office, is working on identifying and coordinating the interdependencies with all projects/systems, under the supervision of the Enterprise-NPKI Project Manager.

The Invitation for Bid (IFB) package is under development and expected to be released in February 2015.

More information…
…on the Enterprise-NPKI project can be obtained from the Enterprise-NPKI Project Manager (Cedric Salson, NCI Agency Brussels, +32 2 707 8403) or the Enterprise-NPKI Technical Lead (Blaine Hein, NCI Agency Brussels, +32 2 707 8599).

First Stage Authorization granted for Enterprise-NPKI