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Jun 5 2014

Farewell ceremony - LTC Wojciech Czerwinski

After four years of dedicated service NCI Agency Squadron Bydgoszcz Commander bids farewell to the Agency and the city of Bydgoszcz. On 28 May 2014 farewell ceremony of the LTC Wojciech Czerwinski took place in the Joint Force Training Centre VIP room.

The Ceremony was hosted by JFTC Commander Brigadier General Wojciech Grabowski and Polish Senior National Representative COL Piotr Trepkowski and attended by all NCIA SOB personnel. “We appreciate your outstanding contribution and support and wish you luck in your future service” said BGEN Grabowski. “As you know I am moving to Warsaw looking forward to hopefully new commitment that will unquestionably conclude my military service” replied former NCI Agency SOB Commander.

BGEN Grabowski awarded LTC Czerwinski with the Certificate of Appreciation and JFTC coin. In his farewell speech, LTC Czerwinski directed his appreciation to all SOB personnel, pointing all the remarkable achievements and dedication.