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Mar 19 2019

Digitally Transforming NATO: Our work explained

NATO, like any organization, must digitize or risk becoming irrelevant. And the NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency is responsible for guiding the Alliance through this transformation. The NCI Agency delivers the critical technology that enables 29 Nations to communicate with each other and work together.

The Agency is working to deliver a secure, modern digital infrastructure to NATO – wherever the Alliance is working. This effort to modernize NATO's infrastructure is known in the Agency as the digital endeavour.

This effort is important, and the stakes are high. NATO is responsible for safeguarding peace and stability for nearly one billion citizens.

Before hearing too much about the Agency's plans for digital transformation, it is important to understand the Agency's mission. General Manager Kevin J. Scheid can explain:


The NCI Agency is leading NATO's digital endeavour. But what does that really mean? What kind of progress is the Agency trying to achieve?

Get the basics on NATO's digital journey:


As a technology organization, the NCI Agency is charged with driving technological progress across the Alliance.

Learn more about the Agency's ongoing projects that will propel NATO into the future:


Digitally Transforming NATO: Our work explained