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Jun 17 2016

Agency supported Steadfast Fount 2016 exercise

6-10 June, Exercise Steadfast Fount 2016 took place at SHAPE, Mons. The Agency team played a significant role in the success of the exercise, providing their expertise and services. Their responsiveness and adaptability was positively commended by the exercise staff.

Fount is not only an exercise, but now also plays a significant role in the Graduated Response Plan (GRP): it synchronizes the GRP process with both the Force Generation and the Multinational Detailed Deployment Plan development.


LOGFAS enabled all NATO Response Force (NRF) Troop Contributing Nations and the NATO Command Structure to provide detailed deployment plans, logistics reports and sustainment plans, allowing SHAPE J4 Allied Movement Coordination Centre to create multinational detailed deployment plans for multiple options. LOGFAS helped users to understand the 'shape and size' of the eNRF force packages, achieve visibility of the logistic picture and analyse, both the strategic deployment and Reception, Staging and Onward Movements (RSOM) of the eNRF. This helped shorten the deployment times and reduce the logistics footprint through sharing.

This year was also the first time that SHAPE J4 and NCI Agency were able to collect the initial version of the Host Nation Support Capability Catalogue in a structured format from the NFIU nations with information on logistics infrastructure capabilities and uploaded into LOGFAS database.

National participation

A total of 20 Nations and 90 participants attended the exercise. Such wide attendance provided a unique venue to explore deployment dynamics. SSBA Service Line team has provided full range of services in the design and execution ranging from Subject Matter Expert (SME) services, mentoring and LOGFAS application support.

Agency supported Steadfast Fount 2016 exercise