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Sep 14 2020

Agency delivers tracking system to NATO Mission in Kosovo

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency has successfully delivered an updated tracking system for command and control to the Kosovo Force (KFOR).

"This system is integral to NATO's daily operations in Kosovo. We are pleased to deliver modern, secure equipment and software for NATO troops in Kosovo," said CNE Gary Cataldo, Project Manager for the KFOR Tracking System project.

Agency delivers tracking system to NATO Mission in Kosovo

The KFOR Tracking System is composed of a central system based in KFOR headquarters, which links to nearly 300 vehicle kits. The tablet-based vehicle kits allow users to have a clear view of the position of all of the other vehicles on the system, and communicate with them, or the headquarters.

Such a system was first deployed 15 years ago, and had become outdated. This project enabled the NCI Agency to replace the hardware, laptops and servers, with new tablets and servers, and update the software to add modern security features that comply with NATO regulations for mission confidential systems.

Training for the new system is ongoing.