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Nov 27 2014

Agency and Secretary General honoured in US

Former NATO Secretary General Rasmussen and the NCI Agency General Manager Koen Gijsbers, representing the staff of the Agency, were presented awards by AFCEA International at a ceremony in the very room where the Washington Treaty, NATO’s founding act, was signed on 4 April 1949.

I accept this award on behalf of the women and men of the Agency, working 24/7 to support NATO, maintain and defend its networks, and to deliver cutting-edge capabilities, in partnership with Industry,” said Koen Gijsbers in his address.

Because the former Secretary General chose to accept the award in person, so did the General Manager.

Our main challenge today is to speed technological innovation, by partnering with Industry and leveraging their creativity,” added Mr Gijsbers, “This is why we have a strategic partnership with AFCEA; it is one of the means of engaging Industry early on, in order to come up with better solutions, more quickly.”

AFCEA International – the Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association - is a non-profit membership association with more than 35.000 members worldwide.

Each year AFCEA International presents three of its top awards for outstanding leadership in the areas of security policy and C4ISR. This year Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former NATO Secretary General, and MGEN (ret) Koen Gijsbers, the Agency’s General Manager, received two of the tree awards.

NATO’s birthplace

The fact that two Alliance officials were selected in 2014 shows the clear appreciation for NATO.

The location of the awards ceremony held a special significance; it was the exact same room, the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington DC, where the Washington Treaty, ‘NATOs birth certificate’, was signed in 1949.

In addition, the award has a special connection to the Agency - it is named after LtGEN James M. Rockwell; General Rockwell’s last active post was Deputy Director of NACISA (1984 – 1987), one of the founding institutions of what today is the NCI Agency; his picture hangs in our boardroom.

The ceremony was also an opportunity for the General Manager to meet and update a number of senior US and AFCEA officials on Agency work , including the Honourable Jim Clapper, the US Director of National Intelligence , members of the US Congress, and Admiral Mike Rogers the Commander US Cyber Command and Director NSA.

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