The 2nd NATO Command and Control (C2) User's Conference was hosted by the NCI Agency in The Hague from 19 – 21 January. The purpose of the conference was to provide a forum for the NATO C2 community to come together to discuss the challenges of NATO C2, get a better understanding of how NATO C2 is enabled and help guide the direction of future NATO C4ISR systems.
In total, 140 people from 20 different nations participated in the event. The list of attendees was a veritable cross section of the NATO C2 community and included system sponsors, operational users, and NCI Agency system providers. The conference attending body represented over 40 different NATO and national organizations such as ACT, SHAPE, JFC Brunssum, JFC Naples, AIRCOM, MARCOM, LANDCOM, CAOC Uedem, US Joint Staff, 1st German Netherlands Corp, UK MoD, NRDC, and Strike Force NATO to name a few. In total, 26 current and future systems across 12 different functionality domains were discussed.
The theme for this year's event was "The Seamless NATO C2 Capability" and focused on the seamless flow of information between NATO C2 Systems to support common situational awareness and information superiority within the headquarters.
The Conference closed with the awarding number of prizes for "C2 User of the Year" and "C2 Site of the Year" to recognize the valuable support and contributions of the users and sites provided to the Agency over the past year.