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Cyber Adaptation

Cyber Adaptation focuses on the security and resilience of NATO's critical networks and services, allowing NATO to conduct its core tasks of consultation, crisis management, and collective defence. Our experts in the NCIA Office of the Chief Information Officer work closely with the Office of NATO Chief Information Officer (OCIO) and other key NATO customers, ensuring alignment and cohesion of NATO-wide cyber system.

Cyber security efforts at NATO must evolve in accordance with the NATO's strategic direction, providing the Alliance with the capabilities and security it needs adapt to the pace of change of evolving technologies and the cyberspace domain.

Our cyber experts plan, design, deliver, operate and maintain secure capabilities and services across NATO. We securely deliver effective network connectivity, communication systems, applications, transport layers and monitoring. NCIA experts also capture the maturity of NATO capabilities and track their lifecycles.

Asset, Configuration, Patch, Vulnerability management (ACPV)

Asset, Configuration, Patch, Vulnerability management (ACPV) is one of NCIA's key initiatives. ACPV helps strengthen the Alliance's cybersecurity posture with improved security visibility and asset management across all NATO-owned networks. Through ACPV, the Agency maintains a capability throughout its entire lifecycle, connects it to the NATO network and configures it to the latest baseline of modifications and patches. NCIA, through its Chief Information Office, is working with the NATO Chief Information Office and industry partners to improve ACPV across the NATO. This will improve the Alliance's visibility into cyber risks and allow NATO to manage potential issues with more ease and speed across the NATO Enterprise.